We show LOVE, have PRIDE and are SAFE.

Class 1: Preschool/ Reception

Welcome to the summer term in Class 1!

This term is packed with exciting events, including visits from the Police and Fire Service, and a trip towards the end of term.

Please check this page frequently for updates on our learning, photos of our activities, and important information about what's happening in our class.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach me at the start or end of the day. If I'm unable to assist you right away, I'll ask you to schedule an appointment through the office.

Miss Woodward

Our Class Routines 

Miss Woodward is the teacher in Class 1. She will be supported by our Early Years Practitioners, Mrs White, Miss Winfield and Mrs Mavroudi On Friday afternoon, the children will be enjoying being outside for 'Forest Friday!'. Please see our class letter for further details. 

Day to Day Essentials

As part of the Early Years curriculum, we encourage the children to use our outside area and the field as part of their learning in all weathers. Please ensure that the children have PE kits, wellies and coats in school every day. 

It is always useful to provide a spare pair of underwear in the children's PE or book bag in case of any accidents, you may also wish to provide a spare pair of trousers/skirt to change into. We will speak to you at the end of the day discretely and return any washing to you in a carrier bag if needed.


PE will be on Wednesdays this term. All children should have their PE kits in school everyday, as we may do other physical development activities that require PE kit throughout the week. 

Welly Wednesdays

The children will be participating in outdoor learning activities in our wonderful grounds, whatever the weather. Please ensure that your child always has wellies, a warm jumper and a waterproof coat in school for these sessions. We have school waterproof leggings/dungarees and waterproof coats available so that all of the children can participate without getting cold or wet. 

Recording our learning journey

Your child's learning journey is always accessible via Tapestry, our online learning journey tool. You will be sent a parent log in via email (please check your junk mailbox). Tapestry will record your child's learning journey documents, learning and exploration that takes places at school, and how this meets developmental expectations for their age. In order to get the whole picture of a child's journey we ask parents to share pictures, video and comments made outside school. Please see the instructions below.

How to upload to Tapestry

Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option (or the ‘plus’ icon on your iphone/ipad) and add the relevant information into the boxes on the screen. Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation, you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing the ‘Obs’ tab or clicking on the logo (on the cloud, top left corner).